Environmental clearance is a key component to a successful project. Hollaway Environmental + Communications Services has the knowledge and experience to provide NEPA compliant technical documentation for a wide range of agencies and project types including transportation, capital improvement, and other federally funded projects. We understand the intricacies of the NEPA process, and we support our clients in navigating the process. From the definition of your “Purpose and Need” through receipt of environmental clearance, we will support your project every step of the way.

Our communications experts collaborate regularly with our environmental specialists to ensure that our Public Involvement solutions are dynamic and accessible.
We understand the intricacies of NEPA and state environmental laws and we support our clients in navigating the process of NEPA documentation.
NEPA-compliant services we provide include:
- Environmental Assessment (EA)
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Categorical Exclusion (CE)
- Federal, State, and Local Agency Coordination
- NEPA-compliant Public Involvement Services