Hollaway Environmental + Communications Services, Inc. is a consulting firm like no other. Our team bridges two worlds that are uniquely connected: Environmental Services and Strategic Communications Services. As such, our team understands the “big picture,” and we take proactive and compassionate action to secure successful outcomes for all involved.
Our HUB, SBE, WBE, DBE, and WOSB firm boasts national planning, regulatory, permitting, and public communications experience for high-profile clients, specifically for projects that have significant regional benefits or impacts
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, for the past 30 years, Hollaway serves the entire state of Texas and U.S. Gulf Coast region with expert consulting services. We specialize in:
While we take pride in being a small, people-focused organization, our work is renowned nationwide. Hollaway has the privilege of supporting some of the significant projects in the region, and our award-winning level of service shows:
To support this $4B coastal storm risk management program in the Pre-Construction Engineering and Design Phase, Hollaway provides environmental planning and consulting services, as well as comprehensive communications, stakeholder engagement, and consensus building services.
Since the plan’s inception in 2016, Hollaway has provided stakeholder engagement and education efforts and graphic design/document preparation services. Hollaway designed the 2017, 2019, and 2023 versions of the State of Texas’ Coastal Resiliency Master Plan, which provides a framework for community, socio-economic, ecologic and infrastructure protection from coastal hazards including erosion and storm surge.
To support TxDOT, Hollaway prepared a Biological Evaluation (BE) and conducted intensive habitat surveys (ground and drone technology) for the eastern Black Rail, Piping Plover, Rufa Red Knot, and sea turtle to support consultation with USFWS for a proposed revetment project near High Island and Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge in Galveston County, Texas.
Hollaway worked closely with TxDOT’s contractor to meet restoration obligations under a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 permit, as construction activities resulted in a severed hydrological connection to a large wetland complex (causing it to dry up). Hollaway facilitated negotiations between TxDOT, USACE, and the contractor to identify a solution that met the spirit of the CWA. Hollaway quickly designed, obtained approval for, and implemented a Voluntary Restoration Plan that restored and enhanced three forested wetlands.